SOHAM is a 24x 7 Satellite Channel dedicated to Religion & Spirituality. At Soham, we strive to bring quality programmes to propagate knowledge and the essence of Hindu Dharma. We aim to promote our rich Indian culture, values and heritage, with specially created, innovative and interesting new programmes. Soham is also available IN USA, CANADA, UK, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, DENMARK, & HONGKONG
It is an honour, that we have associations with renowned National & International saints like, Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji (Founder-Art Of Living) , Param Pujya Shri Namra Muni Maharaj Saheb, Niruma, ISCKON, Brahmakumari's, Swami Anubhavanandji, Shri Rameshbhai Oza (Bhaishree), Morari Bapu, Dada Vaswani Foundation, Shri Rakeshbhai Guruji and many others.
Soham has a connection with every breath we take. When we inhale, the sound produced is 'so'; when we exhale, it is 'ham'. Thus Soham is a combination of these two vibrations as we breathe. Soham is also the Sanskrit term for "I myself" or "It is I".
We also showcase various festivities throughout the year. Most of these telecasts are done "LIVE". We have innovative and informative shows such as "SatvikAahar" and "DishaDasha Drishti".
We also showcase forms of alternatitve lifestyles such as Spiritual healing, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Vastu Shashtra and many other.
All in all, we aim to deliver a complete package showcasing Hindu Sanathan Dharma.
Join us on the journey to find our true selves. Soham.
Marriage is about finding the one person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life! It is about finding your soul-mate and taking that all important decision of choosing your partner.
SOHAM CHANNEL is now helping you in this search with Soham JEEVANSAATHI. This is one platform where you can connect with thousands of compatible people, share your thoughts and express your wishes on this unique platform.
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Namramuni is the youngest saint of GondalSampradey and is one of those monks of Jain who have led the Jainism to the top level by standing upfront. Namramuni is a Jain monk who has got a huge number of followers in and around the country. Like other Jain monks Namramuni has a lot of will power and conviction. Jainism is a very simple religion in terms of understanding but when it comes to applying the norms of Jainism it seems to be very difficult. So members of Jain community follow the rules and regulations under the guidance of Jain Monks who undergo Diksha. Namramuni is one of those saints and a real standout from the crowd.
Namramuni is a sole believer of humanity and believes that no living thing in this world should be harmed by other individual. Namramuni also believes that all religions are equal and there is no difference between any Human being. Namramuni is a young man and he walks according to the new ways of life. Namramuni believes that a man has a change his style of living according to the changing times. Namramuni believes in looking forward to the life and the society as per the needs and requirement of the society.
From humble beginnings, Bhaishri has gone on to capture the hearts and minds of millions across India and the world guiding his brethren through life's trials and enriching their lives with spirituality. As Bhaishri'skathas gained popularity all over India, devotees were eager to listen to these discourses beyond the Indian shores. Across the world, in the United States, Canada , UK, Portugal, Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Bhaishri captivated audiences of all ages and communities.
Bhaishri'skathas and discourses have helped and inspired many to lead their lives the right way. People have shown their gratitude in many different ways. They have opened their hearts to his various causes by contributing their time, effort and giving donations. For thousands, Bhaishri is more than just a spiritual leader. He is a source of knowledge and an inspiration.
PujyaGurudevshriRakeshbhai, who is lovingly addressed as 'Gurudev', 'Saheb', or 'Bapa' is an embodiment of spirituality, an overflowing ocean of selfless compassion. His life is an incessant endeavour to spread ShrimadRajchandraji's message throughout the world and lead it towards eternal peace and infinite bliss.
Born on the auspicious day of 26th September,1966 in Mumbai, to Smt. Rekhaben and Shri DilipbhaiJhaveri, He showed signs of divinity at a very young age. PujyashriGurudev's extraordinary brilliance enabled Him to effortlessly master profound subjects like the Six Schools of Thought, Jain Scriptures, Logic, Philosophy and Sanskrit in a very short span of time. Observing long periods of silence, delving deeper into meditation resulted in His attaining greater heights of spirituality.
Academically having passed M.A. (Philosophy) with a gold medal, He wrote an extensive research treatise on Shrimadji's finest literary creation, 'Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra' for which the University of Mumbai conferred on Him the degree of Ph.D. in 1998.
In 2001, PujyashriGurudev's boundless compassion manifested in the form of the glorious ShrimadRajchandra Ashram, Dharampur, where thousands of aspirants congregate to imbibe His teachings and elevate themselves. The ShrimadRajchandra Love and Care Programme was launched with the aim of selflessly serving all living beings. This growing movement of sadhana and seva, took the form of ShrimadRajchandra Mission Dharampur in 2010.
His unconditional love and extraordinary virtues, His ability to endear everyone, be it a small baby or an 80-year-old, to relate to child and scholar alike - at their own level, His cheerful disposition; His personalised and simple, yet effective guidance to each devotee has spiritually transformed their lives. A visionary and contemporary sage, PujyashriGurudev is uplifting humanity through inner augmentation and societal service.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a humanitarian leader, spiritual teacher and an ambassador of peace. His vision of a stress-free, violence-free society has united millions of people the world over through service projects and courses of The Art of Living.
Sri Sri entered a ten-day period of silence in Shimoga located in the Indian state of Karnataka. The SudarshanKriya, a powerful breathing technique, was born. With time, the SudarshanKriya became the centerpiece of the Art of Living courses.
Sri Sri founded The Art of Living as an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization. Its educational and self-development programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have proven effective globally and at all levels of society.
J.P.Vaswani '(Dada)' is head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. Universally acclaimed as a humanitarium, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa and non-sectarian spiritual leader, Dada J.P.Vaswani has captivated the hearts of millions worldwide. In the eyes of many, Dada J.P.Vaswani is a man who symbolizes the true spirit of the India, of the rishis, as a harbinger of love, peace and hope.
Today, Dada J.P.Vaswani is the spiritual head of The Sadhu Vaswani Mission, and also the moving inspiring, life-giving and life-sustaining force behind its multifarious activities. Holding aloft in his hands, the torch bequeathad to him by his Master, Dada carries across the globe the messages of India's deathless culture. Through him, the joy of faith and peace flows out of many. In him, thousands of faithful devotees behold the image of their Beloved.
Bapu's extraordinary command and oratory style quickly gathered crowds. His first Ram Katha was held at the Ram Mandir in Talagajarda in 1960.Bapu's command of the Ram CharitManas and his heart rending narrations brought people from all over India in the thousands to listen to his Ram Katha, often overwhelming listeners and organisers alike. This was the beginning of a new era of listening to Ram Katha in large numbers by people from all walks of life and all age groups. Bapu's first Ram Katha outside India was held in Nairobi, Kenya in 1976 when he was merely 30 years old. To date, Bapu has recited Ram Katha in countless places all over India and the rest of the world.
Bapu moves among people continuously. In his everyday life, one can see a conglomeration of ideals that are the basis of a good social structure, and on the other side, smoothly harmonized spiritual practices, devoid of all harshness. His entire living is to bring many different branches and sects of religion (even of other faiths) and the different levels of society to a common ground of undivided understanding, love and unity. He shows a way of uniting not just one nation, but the entire human race, while at the same time, preserving their individuality. He refers to his Ram Katha as a premyagna where people gather in the name of love and expressly calls out to humanity for love and respect for each other.
The Vedic scriptures state that spiritual life begins when one inquires into the nature of the absolute truth, the Supreme Godhead. GaudiyaVaisnavas are monotheists and know the personality of Godhead as Krishna, the All-attractive. But it is also recognised that the Supreme has unlimited names such as Rama, Buddha, Vishnu, Jehovah, Allah, etc. The ultimate goal of GaudiyaVaisnavism is to develop a loving relationship with the Supreme Godhead.
To understand knowledge of self-realisation one must approach a genuine spiritual master. The Vedas also tell us that the understanding of the self, as being non-material or spiritual by nature, is the preliminary stage of realisation of the absolutetruth. To understand knowledge of self-realisation one must approach a genuinespiritual master, just as one learns the essence of any subject from a perfectedpractitioner.The congregational chanting of the maha-mantra, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, aspromoted by Sri Caitanya, is accepted by the Vedas as the most effective means of self-purification in this age. The Vedas describe the mantra as a prayer to theLord, "Please Lord, engage me in Your service".
The Brahmakumaris World Spiritual University acknowledges the intrinsic goodness of all people. They teach a practical method of meditation that helps individuals understand their inner strengths and values. A worldwide family of individuals from all walks of life, They are committed to spiritual growth and personal transformation, believing them essential in creating a peaceful and just world.
Acknowledging the challenges of rapid global change, they nurture the well-being of the entire human family by promoting spiritual understanding, leadership with integrity and elevated actions towards a better world. They teach a practical method of meditation that helps individuals understand their inner strengths and values.
Dr. Zhi Gang Sha is a soul healer, an extraordinary leader and a divine servant. He was trained as a conventional medical doctor and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. The founder of the Institute of Soul Heading and Enlightenment and of the World Soul Healing, Peace and Enlightement Movement, he is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi qi gong fengshui and the /Ching. Dr.Sha is also an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China. In the west, he is involved in breakthrough research on the effects of spirit on the human system.
Dr. Sha was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Soul Congress on Qigong. In 2006, he was granted the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award at the United Nations for his humanitarian efforts. His Soul Power series reveals soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practices to transform every aspect of life.
Pujya Gururaj Shri Fulchand Ji Shastri is an Enlightened Soul, who has also earned several titles to himself. ‘The Man with a mission’, ‘Sir’, ‘International Multilingual’ and ‘Numerologist of South East Asia’ are just a few awards to his name. He is also the founder of Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala, Bhavnagar district of Gujarat (India) which shelters many people under the scope of this non-profit organization involved in charitable, medical, educational, religious and social activities for keen learners and the under privileged group. To fulfil his Spiritual Master Shrimad Rajchandra’s dream he has initiated ‘The Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission’ to preach and preserve this ultimate spiritual guide in 142 countries with 415 languages translations and establish it at 1,00,000 centers across the globe by his 150th birth anniversary on November 4, 2017.
He is a visionary writer who awakens intrigue, provokes thinking, and helps balance spirituality with its complete knowledge and implementation. He has penned a collection of more than 35 books on Humanity, Spirituality, Truth, Non-Violence, Vegetarianism and the preaching of Omniscient God and how these could be used to live a life with Soul awareness. He is fluent in 18 National and International languages namely Gujarati, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Marathi, Indonesian, Batak, Javanese, Padang, Aceh, Malay, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai, Tagalog etc.
SOHAM is a 24x 7 Satellite Channel dedicated to Religion & Spirituality. At Soham, we strive to bring quality programmes to propagate knowledge and the essence of Hindu Dharma. We aim to promote our rich Indian culture, values and heritage, with specially created, innovative and interesting new programmes.
It is an honour, that we have associations with renowned National & International saints like, Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji (Founder-Art Of Living) , Param Pujya Shri Namra Muni Maharaj Saheb, Niruma, ISCKON, Brahmakumari's, Swami Anubhavanandji, Shri Rameshbhai Oza (Bhaishree), Morari Bapu, Dada Vaswani Foundation, Shri Rakeshbhai Guruji and many others.
Time | Program Name (English) | Program Name (Hindi) |
Major festivals that we showcase on our Channel are Mahashivratri, Holi, Ramnavmi, Mahavir Jayanti, Ganpati Visarjan, Navratri, Janmashtami and many others.
Apart from the above, we at Soham have sucessfully done "LIVE" telecast of Gurudev Shri Namramuni's Paryushan event, Dr Sha's Soul Healing techniques and Saibaba festival from BKC, Mumbai.